Tips to Staying Healthy as the Seasons Change
As the seasons change, so do we. The amount of sunlight, daylight, temps, etc. effect our natural rhythms. We have an inner clock, also thought of as our biorhythms and circadian rhythms. This clock tells us when to wake up and when we feel tired to go to sleep. It also plays a role in metabolism, temperature regulation, hormone regulation, energy levels and our emotions. For example, a reduction of natural sunlight during the winter is a big factor that leads to mood swings. Less light=an imbalance in our body clock.
When everything is in balance and we keep regular eating and sleep schedules, the clock works great. The circadian rhythms or “body clock” are regulated by a group of nerves in the hypothalamus of the brain. This control center mainly responds to environmental signals such as light/dark, and temperature to be alerted when to release hormones, influence metabolism, sleep and mood. In traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a representation of our circadian rhythms through a 24-hour body clock that considers all seasons, physiological, emotional, and energetic components of a human being.
Tune into and pay attention to your body’s rhythms and needs as the seasons change. Be flexible and respectful rather than imposing your will on how you think you should be in the ever-changing tapestry of your life.
Warm Blessings, Grace